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A very nice article on a very interesting subject…lebenskunstler = master of the art of living. A very personal approach to biosynergy and art. […]

Radical Reconstruction: Lebbeus Woods

Well, I have been looking for inspiration. This book is full of the crazy ideas, but I’m mostly interested in the sketches. I love his color pencil sketches and techniques. I took the book out of the library and it’s sitting on my desk if anyone’s interested in looking at it.   an example … […] […]

Photoshop Brush Resource

Photoshop brushes that allow you to use the photoshop brush tool to inset cool graphics such as clouds, people, and textures into your collages they’re pretty sweet. This site has some good sets but there are tons more on google for free of pretty much anything you want.   […]

Another way to waste time (and find new stuff) on the internet

I just discovered Google Reader Play, which is a personalized feed of what google already knows you are interested in. This probably doesn’t count as a useful architectural resource, but you never know. I would presume it works best if you already use Google Reader to keep track of blogs, and even better if google […]

Naturally better. Science and technology are looking to nature's successful designs for inspiration

Resource post

Per this week’s assignment I posted (another) link to the resource page. Houminn is a practice consisting of Blair Satterfield and Marc Swackhamer and the link I posted from their website has to do with a project of theirs called OSWall or Open Source Wall. The project is well documented in terms of how they […] […]

Biosynergy Institute

A little site with a link to a very concise and focused pdf about bio synergy. […]

Diagramming Graphics Resource

David McCandless’s website which has some interesting ideas for diagrams and expressing information. […]

Kellett Girling lecture Jan 12

On Wed Jan 12 at the Ecotrust building at 7pm, two former UO professors will talk about Sustainable communities for the portland plan. […]

precedents – art spaces

I select two precedent of museums that individually represent two different approaches of art space design in my point of view. One is literally separated from the outside while the other is not, besides they have other features to distinguish themse… […]