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Kellett Girling lecture Jan 12

On Wed Jan 12 at the Ecotrust building at 7pm, two former UO professors will talk about Sustainable communities for the portland plan. […]

Thesis Document Final Draft!

Sorry, this is not in .pdf form; I had a hell of a time trying to get the pdf to upload, with no success. I don’t like Google Doc’s pdf viewer (I think it displays graphics poorly), but you can download the original pdf from there. So! This is the final draft with everything in it. […] […]

Thesis Document Draft

Here is a nearly-complete draft of my thesis document. A few pages still need text (such as the “natural conditions” page) and the “spacial relationships” page needs a finalized diagram. Additionally, title pages and transition pages are not yet included. Criticism I’m looking for: content, layout, readability, spelling. Also! I need a name for this project! Suggestions […] […]

Throwing sticks at traditional education

I’ve been talking a bit about EIC (Environment as Integrating Context for learning) recently, but I’d like to shed some light on other important theories and ideas about education. Multiple Intelligence Theory Developed by Harvard psychologist Howard Gardner, the Multiple Intelligence (MI) theory proposes the idea that there are many different kinds of intelligence; while most people […] […]

precedents – art spaces

I select two precedent of museums that individually represent two different approaches of art space design in my point of view. One is literally separated from the outside while the other is not, besides they have other features to distinguish themse… […]

One term in one post


What is EIC?

Research gathered and thoughts provoked by “Closing the Achievement Gap: Using the Environment as an Integrating Context for Learning,” published by the State Education and Environmental Roundtable in conjunction with The Pew Charitable Trusts. This study surveyed schools that use Environment as an Integrating Context for learning, or EIC– essentially, nature and community-based curricula. So what […] […]

Tomorrow’s Presentation

BiomimicryConceptsPresentation Available for download in pdf format from the link above – below are a few images from the presentation. […]

thesis draft

The problems I have been seen during Chinese urbanization in large cities is very obvious like unorganized planning and reconstruction. The questions I have been asking my self for long time is as following, how contexts have became fragmentary, what means modernization in Chinese point of view, what is the value of disappearing historical urban […] […]

Build on history…whose history?

Every landscape and building has a history and what I would like to propose with this thesis is the question: what does it mean to build on history? Peter Zumthor builds quite literally directly on History with his Kolumba Museum. … Continue reading […]