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Project Summary (thus far)

To reflect and review, here is a mid-term look at where this project is going. [click to view poster] […]

Who are the students?

As I explained previously, this project fills the gap left by the destruction of the Whitaker Middle School on the same site. Though a magnet program would draw students from all over the city, a large portion of the student body would be students who were once sent to Whitaker. What did that population look […] […]

Site Soul Searching

As I search for a site, I feel the need to elaborate on my program in a more concrete way than I have done so far. My design goals are these: Create a school that focuses on environmental/experiential education– that is, teaching children while creating an intimate connection with nature Create an environment that enhances […] […]

A First Approach

There are many convergent issues I am drawn to as I begin this project, from the character of the landscape to the nature of the program. [Read on…] […]