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Final Thesis Document

[click to view] […]

End of the term scramble

To say the end of the term was extremely difficult for me would be a bit of an understatement. After presenting what I thought would be my final design, I got the more of the same critiques that I’ve been getting all term: I need to connect with the rest of the site; I need […] […]

Scheme a little scheme for me

I wanted to carry on my metaphor about marriage and divorce, but things were starting to sound a little, um, messy, if you will. So let me just lay it out straight. My first scheme was purely a response to my thesis question (that is, a meaningful examination of the relationship between built form and landscape). […] […]

Some Program Specifics

I want to take a moment to highlight a few particulars in my program that influence and enrich the project as a whole. Library/Resource Room The library is available not just to students, but to community members as well. It the main outreach center for community members who want to extend the habitat network of their community […] […]

Review review

In the time since leaving my previous scheme, I have been working on a design that responds better to the function and program of the project (a school), while still staying true to my thesis question (challenging the relationship between indoors and out). The “three-fingered” plan is based on the idea that a school of 400 […] […]

Thesis Document Final Draft!

Sorry, this is not in .pdf form; I had a hell of a time trying to get the pdf to upload, with no success. I don’t like Google Doc’s pdf viewer (I think it displays graphics poorly), but you can download the original pdf from there. So! This is the final draft with everything in it. […] […]

Thesis Document Draft

Here is a nearly-complete draft of my thesis document. A few pages still need text (such as the “natural conditions” page) and the “spacial relationships” page needs a finalized diagram. Additionally, title pages and transition pages are not yet included. Criticism I’m looking for: content, layout, readability, spelling. Also! I need a name for this project! Suggestions […] […]

One term in one post


What is EIC?

Research gathered and thoughts provoked by “Closing the Achievement Gap: Using the Environment as an Integrating Context for Learning,” published by the State Education and Environmental Roundtable in conjunction with The Pew Charitable Trusts. This study surveyed schools that use Environment as an Integrating Context for learning, or EIC– essentially, nature and community-based curricula. So what […] […]

Values Programming

This is something that has been in progress for a while, but is now beginning to take shape. Here I have outlined my biggest values for this project, and what goals and ideas come from those. [click to view] . My three top values, described in the chart, are the Human, Environmental, and Cultural (with Safety as a […] […]