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TeddyCruz Recap

Late blog post, I know but it’s been on my long to do list… Ever since I discovered this project and shared it with Cheva, I’ve been fascinated by Teddy Cruz’s work. Overall, it was wonderful to hear Teddy Cruz speak to many issues that aren’t considered in the design world. More so these terms […]

Zugunruhe : migratory restlessness

Back in late February, I sat in on a Cascadia Lecture by Jason McClennan, author of the Living Building Challenge. Being a reader of TrimTab, I was familiar with his written voice and was curious to hear him publicly speak. He opened with the work Cascadia and the LBC is working towards currently or has accomplished […]

Diana Al-Hadid lecture February 24, 2011

I attended the video broadcast of the Diana Al-Hadid lecture which happened in Eugene. She showed a number of beautiful sculptures, installations, and paintings. Some of her work seems perfect for art museums, and obviously people agree with me as she has had shows all over the world. Her work is modern and interpretive while […] […]

Dana Buntrock – “Materials and Meaning in Contemporary Japanese Culture”

Dana Buntrock from UC Berkeley stopped by the White Stag building today and gave a lecture about the two “types” of contemporary Japanese architecture and their characteristics, both literal and cultural. She broke down the two groups (more like arranged them on a scale) between the Red School and the White School. Simply, the Red […] […]

Lecture Post #1 -Emily Pilloton of Studio H

In anticipation of Emily Pilloton’s lecture here in the White Stag building last friday I watched her Ted Talk, which turned out to be very close to her presentation that night. Studio H is an organization started by Emily Pilloton after working in the design industry and becoming somewhat disillusioned with the work she was […] […]

UERC Urban Ecology and Conservation Symposium

In a crowd dominated by scientists, environmental policymakers, and the like, it was interesting to be one of a small handful of architects who came to hear about what’s new in the Pacific Northwest urban ecology scene. While some topics were closely related to my thesis project (methods of oak savanna restoration, for example), for […] […]

Teddy Cruz Lecture×640.jpgI attended the Teddy Cruz lecture last night at PSU and it was not your typical architecture discussion.  Well it was long and about half way through I was getting antsy… […]

A BUILDING CULTURE: Brian Cavanugh Lecture

Yesterday’s lunch time lecture by Brian Cavanugh of ABC was quite enjoyable.  Although the projects presented were not doing anything too out of the ordinary,  they still possessed a quality that made the design concepts very clear.  Thi… […]

Urban Ecology and Conservation Symposium

This morning I listened to the first two-thirds of this years’ discussion. The two keynote speakers were interesting and hopefully helpful in terms of how I think about my thesis project. Steven Handel discussed his efforts to plan habitat patches in urban areas, like landfills. It is useful to know that the group has had […] […]

Urban Ecology and Conservation Symposium

Today I was lucky enough to be an attendee of the 9th annual Urban Ecology and Conservation Symposium.  It consisted of grouped 10 minute long presentations followed with a short question answer session.   The morning lectures were mainly foc… […]