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Thesis Statement: Draft

Cultures locally and around the world find themselves at an ecological crossroads. The myriad of environmental problems humans have created for themselves over the centuries have grown alarmingly and will continue to affect all species of life on this planet. We as a culture are at a point where something must be done to alter […] […]

Build on history…whose history?

Every landscape and building has a history and what I would like to propose with this thesis is the question: what does it mean to build on history? Peter Zumthor builds quite literally directly on History with his Kolumba Museum. … Continue reading […]

Thesis Statement: Brainstorm

Assignment Two, Part One: Brainstorming I’ve compiled a list of ideas, different types of precedents, and a small amount of historical background about the site I’ve chosen. Hopefully, it will be helpful to lay them out here before coming up with a general thesis argument. The site I’ve chosen, what is now called the R.J. […] […]