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Looking at Biomimicry and my thesis

So far nothing in the ecology world has really seemed like a good fit/mesh for my thesis project which involves people, transit, and learning.  Which probably due to my insufficient background in biology and ecology.

I feel like most of the stuff i’ve come across are just metaphors or form drivers, which are great but not very useful when it comes to bio-synergies.

I recently stumbled upon this idea of Artificial Photosynthesis, which has been around since 2000, but the concept can be traced back to the 50’s.  The idea is simple: you use solar energy to divide water H20 into two parts…one part hydrogen the other oxygen.  There was a bit of discussion in the media when it comes to its application in fuel cell batteries and hydrogen powered cars.  The problem there was that if there were a collision there would be an explosion.

But this has me wondering?  Buildings dont ever get in wrecks with one another.

Could the hydrogen released from this process be used to power buildings? Could it give back and supply energy to other buildings?  Oregon could certainly supply the water necessary.

I will continue to research more.

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