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Summarize of where I’m at with my thesis, as of 4:45pm today.



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  • chengbei

    It is attractive to me to see your project refracts the past, currents and the futures of the city through an empty space that is nearly anonymous land. I could feel the clear land is more challenging and more potential to be sharpened by the surrounding context. And the waterfront is appealing, not to mention river plays a very significant part in Portlanders’ life. It is more than exciting to see the renovation of a parking lot into a place where social interaction is happening. The concept of the project is like spilling vigor into a dead wood. The challenge is obvious to me, how to figure out the catalyst to inspire and connect the existing neighborhoods. The intermedium is performance according to the diagrams, which is one of the most common and intriguing public spaces. It would be very cheerful to see what the new development will bring into the old neighborhood and its impact. There is one thing that is not very clear. How a performance space could express the unlimited extension of time fluid, and how extensively it could represent the history.

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