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Landscape and Sustainability

My reviews on Monday were pleasantly focused on specific issues that I wanted to target, namely, the use of space on the terrace level, hvac system issues, and designing the details of the retractable roof pieces over the market.  Regarding the use of space on the terrace, Susan Emmons Poss confirmed my primary strategy of a combination of garden areas, play areas, and gathering areas linked by paths.  I need to work a lot on how the covered spaces are articulated in relation to the market roof.  Her main concern about the terrace was how easy it would be for people to climb on the roof of the market from the terrace.  I have not yet figured out how to resolve this.  My choices?  a)barbed wire fence b)pretend that the problem doesn’t exist c)make the roof walkable d) create a separatation between the roof and the terrace e) build some sort of wall around the terrace.  I hope to resolve the question on Saturday.  After speaking with Susan, I spoke with another helpful landscape architect who convinced me that I need to break up the scale of my entry plaza.  Sean Scott helped me work out my HVAC system, to which I need to add a central forced air heat pump system at the culinary school.  We also discussed simplifying my ideas about the retractable fabric roof.

I feel pretty good moving forward.  Two major design issues remain, how the market roof meets the northern housing block, and the exact design of the columns and curb of the podium.  Below are a few sketches of landscaping, a summary of my energy saving strategies, and a sectional perspective show a first draft of my HVAC and water systems.  This will probably be my last post before final reviews.  Wish me luck!

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