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Blogpost Assignment : Review Summary

We need you to summarize your scheme and structural development and post these to your blog as a PDF document by Wed 4/20 at 1pm. The project summary must include a site plan and building plans for major levels. The structural definition must have a wall section and a carefully-lit photograph of your structural model. Key elevations, building sections and perspectives would flesh out the picture.

We are requiring a PDF project summary and blogpost after each of the three reviews so we can evaluate your progress. These documents should demonstrate how your project development addresses topics introduced in the studio. Your blogpost to introduce recent project work, discuss what you learned from your efforts and explain how you will address three useful feedback comments in moving forward. You can use this hand-in to hone a portfolio layout format.

Remember that things that don’t work can push you towards a more promising direction – moving through failures quickly can help you refine something that will work.

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