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Thesis draft.

A city needs its people to be present and comfortable in its midst. People need a city to flow with them, to their advantage and not against them. I believe that establishing a link, a comfort zone between streets, between buildings is the direction to take in creating such a rhythm.

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  • nick


    I think questioning the ideas of how we use our existing urban fabric is a great topic that could provoke a lot of discussion. Right now it feels like you have a particular design in mind (which is great), but it really only offers one specific solution to one problem. You should really walk through the downtown streets of Portland and try to identify opportunities that we may have overlooked (dead streets, alleys, parking structures, rooftops, buildings that could offer an addition). Yes downtown is rather dense already with edifices, but is there room, areas, or opportunities that can play off of the hustle and bustle of everyday life.

    I think the idea of capping the intersection is great and could turn out some rather interesting architecture and spaces. However it is only one design solution to a rather unobtrusive problem. Look for a problem that will keep you busy thinking up a design solution that you do not have the answer to right now. Try asking yourself: Are you looking to design something temporary that can be set up for a week and taken down? Can it be a kit of parts that is assembled as need? Is it permanent? Does it have to compete with the existing fabric? Does it want to juxtapose an already existing condition?

    I would keep your current design solution on the back burner for now and really examine what the city could benefit from. Who knows you may end up right where you started and find that your intuition was right.

    I think that this project has a lot of potential you just need to define a problem that justifies what you are trying to get at.

  • nick

    It wouldnt let me post links all together in one post. So i will try to post them in groups

  • nick (coop himmelblau project)

    I just did a google search for “Parasitic Architecture” and this what came up. This studio is about bio-synergies, and Parasites are usually seen as a negative thing when it comes to ecology, could architecture argue against this?

  • estancul

    Thank you Nick. I appreciate your insightful comments. Actually I also appreciate the fact that it made me realize something: I had a previous idea…the home in the city. Why not combine the home in the city and the filling in the gap (parasitic architecture) ideas and create the “parasitic house in the city”. I think I have my thesis, maybe not phrased as of yet but a good starting point nonetheless. Now I’ll explore the city.

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