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Between four skyscrappers there is a space waiting.

There is a space, an empty space that awaits an intervention at the corner of every street where buildings meet. This space is normally taken by the rhythm of cars,the beat of street lights and the presence of an empty volume. I want to find a way to give this space back to humanity. I want to find out what architectural formcan not only occupy but enhance these street corners. What can this moment of pause bring to the city and it’s people? Is it even worth the effort and exploration?Imagine this spider like structure that has a leg on each street corner and it’s body raises about 30 feet over the center of the crossing roads. This body is actuallya platform where musicians can gather and show their talent to the world, over the cityscape. I want people to stop in their tracks and gather around these nodesand create instant concerts, I want the rhythm of the city to slow down and allow people to breathe.  I wish to have people crawl up these legs and cross the streetwithout waiting for cars. My site is in Montreal, Canada, a dense vibrant city that needs such breaks. These nodes can also be seen as an opportunity to occupy thevolumes above them vertically with such things as vertical gardens, vertical urban farms or vertical “anythings” really…that is what I need to discover. What canenhance the city in such a way that people feel more vibrant and engaged? What forms, structures can occupy these spaces waiting to be filled? The opportunity thatpresents itself here is the opportunity to transform and rearrange the spaces surrounding our everyday lives by engaging the multiple “needs” of people by offeringa pause to some and a reason to be in these centers to all. The spider

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