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Week 5: Update

This week we had our third pin-up of the quarter and it was enough of a fire to get me producing.

I have come to the realization this week that my project is very much about connections:

Connecting modes of transit
Connecting People with Ideas
Connecting a Neighborhood to The City (vis a versa)
Connecting Students to a Profession
Connecting habitat and Architecture

So I began to examine the ways we connect in plan and section, and used this idea of a bent or squished line as a parti for my transit center.  Efficient movement it about a straight line, but slowing this movement and creating pockets of space is about bending and manipulating this line or direction of travel.

When connecting the ground habitat to upper habitat, this may also consider a more sinusoidal language.  This building is about examining the multiple intersections of these activities…heres the result.


Diagram Plans

Character perspectives

View From the LRT platform

View from Pacific Ave

I met with James McGrath on Friday and we discussed how to make the transit move more fluidly and how the connections between the different modes could begin to activate a park/plaza.  We also dicussed how the influence of the transit could begin to migrate into the neighborhood creating a dialogue between street/plaza and Building.
Urban Model
terminate at a park/plaza

Terminate with the transit Center

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  • Kent Wu

    I like the idea of slowing people down and using the building to provide spaces that do so, but I’m not convinced that just providing concave shapes will be enough to draw people into those spaces, perhaps, there is a notion of a visual connection to something that penetrates both sides so its gives the building a sense of discovery as one passes by.
    With the street terminating at a plaza would be my intuition, it gives a relief space for the anticipated density along the street scape. But also I think it’d be a bold move to place your building there to be a landmark building that people must pass through and see from distance. Which is a more powerful effect on there urban scale as a orienting device for the neighborhood? my vote is for terminating at your building.

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