The review on friday gave me a lot to think about. I think my next plan of attack is to create some program diagrams and really figure out what exactly this building wants to be and how I am going to modify the existing architecture to really speak about the project. I’ve had a lot of trouble finding the exact focus of my project but I think the urban plan helped me to figure out what it could potentially be but now I need to come to a resolution.
I think the material study model I did was a big learning process for me. acrylic is not a forgivable material to work with but I do enjoy using it with the combination of light. this is the second or third acrylic model I’ve made (depending on how you count) and with each one I learn something new about how to make the process of building it better. For this one I cut a lot of small pieces which worked well in terms of a study model because it allowed me to play around with them more but it definitely detracted from the overall craftsmanship of the thing. If I do another one I am going to make bigger pieces so that I don’t have to spend so much time cutting them and so it can be more precise.
The idea behind the model was to look at some of the program that is going to fit into my building and create a way in which the exterior architecture can inform people about what is happening inside, in this case with the use of color. Well I think I need to take a small step back to look at the big picture and figure out exactly what the architectural focus of this project will be.
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