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Final Steps

1. Exit Interviews
Documentation of your final presentation needs to be online 24 hours before your exit interview so we can make informed notes on your evaluation.  (Rather than posting a high-res PDF, Use Adobe Acrobat File > Export > Image > PNG format & select a resolution to make the images maximum ~1000 pixels wide.)

EXIT INTERVIEW SCHEDULE – Nancy’s office, 4th floor

Monday June 6:

  • 11:00 Caitlyn
  • 11:15 Cheva
  • 11:30 Nan
  • 11:45 Mariah
  • 12:00 Daphne
  • 12:15 Kent
  • 12:30 Chengbei

Wed June 8:

  • 11:00 Kristie
  • 11:15 Herminio
  • 11:30 John
  • 11:45 Alana
  • 12:00 Nick
  • 12:15 Edwin
  • 12:30 Audrey
  • 12:45 Brian

2. Feedback
Please fill out your online course evaluation so we can improve our teaching and future students can benefit from your thoughts.   They close at 7:00 AM on Mon, Jun 6, 2011

3. Video
All students must have a brief video introduction to their project on their blog by June 12 for their grade to be recorded on time.  This can be a narrated slideshow (via or you talking into the camera.  The purpose of the exercise is to give you experience in creating an articulate elevator speech and posting it online.  A video makes a great online complement to the graphic information shown through your boards and models.  You are free to password it if you are not ready for prime time.

4. Thesis booklet
We will follow the original schedule with your booklets due Wed June 8.  midnight is fine.  Use the PDF Optimizer to compress large files.   Images of 150 dpi should be fine.  Link the post to a glamour image.  (this can be your glamour slideshow postcard – see template)

Thanks for all your efforts.  It was great to see what your thinking, hardwork and persistence created.

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