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Mid-term Review 2

I got some ideas on how to manage rain water and water in general, and I’m going to proceed in making the each atrium space unique and atmosphere. I see the Atriums doing multiple things, cleaning/ polishing grey water through plants, a formal a… […]

Landscape and Sustainability

My reviews on Monday were pleasantly focused on specific issues that I wanted to target, namely, the use of space on the terrace level, hvac system issues, and designing the details of the retractable roof pieces over the market. Regarding the use of space on the terrace, Susan Emmons Poss confirmed my primary strategy of […] […]


The climate and weather in Wuhan,Hubei, China ( my project locatation ) is totally different to Portland, OR. It is not as wet as Portland, and there is not much rain except for the rainy season although the city is cutting through by Yangtze River. Its summer is extremely hot and long, and the winter […] […]

The final before the final.

It’s officially time to start working solely towards the final presentation, and I’m now officially excited! Based on my thoughts stemming from the jurors comments, there are a few things I need to work out (and QUICKLY!) before I start to consider my final media and start production. One big comment was that my landscaping […] […]

Sustainability Review

Well todays review was bitter sweet.  I completely agree with the criticism from my reviewers, however I feel like I am not in the position to make or re-examine how I could incorporate their suggestions. I will just have to prioritize their … […]

Day Light Model

Tested out the quality of light in the auditorium portion of my building.  The translucent panels keep a consistent glow in this space in all seasons for all times of the day.  The wood battens add contrast near the stage to make presentation… […]

To dome or not to dome

As I began to explore the entry of my building, I began to have some doubts about the dome that covers the commons for the Savanna small learning community (SLC). I explained before my desire to diffuse the purity of the dome by creating a nested split-dome structure (which I also think is cool in […] […]

Structural Sketches

These are some sketches I did a little while back, trying to get a sense of the structure of my building. This version of my design is a little outdated by now, but I still think it was an interesting exploration. Here is a combination of structure, envelope, and landscape, which gives a sense of how […] […]

Week 16: Update

site plan: New transit Awning, Performance/Exhbition Pavilion to North, and Hybrid plaza to SouthEntirely Insulated tanslucent Glazing skin with vision glass denoting entriesThis week I was able to nail down the building in terms of its relationship to… […]