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Landscape Design

In developing the landscape concept of my design, I have again come to the question of how the building and landscape interact. Conceptually, the building and the greater landscape exist on a sort of continuum along the experiential trails that run through the site. The building represents the more structured, formal kind of learning environment, while […] […]

Eco Review Summary

The last review proved to be very helpful in guiding me towards the final. While I had ideas about the solar, ventilation, water and HVAC systems of the building, after the review, I had a clear idea of how they can all work together and got some innovative ideas about water collection and reuse that […] […]

Review 2.

The second review went quite well. The reviewers agreed that the approach to the site was interesting but requires a more in depth interaction with the limited landscape. The site needs to be interwoven with the urban environment and bring people in, in a more subtle way? The site is very exposed to all the […]

the review and after

The review went fine. When there are only a few weeks left, I already know what I need to work on. see the board here After the review, I’m back on re-working on the organization of landscape and the relationship between the transparent strips connecting the theaters and the exterior space under the freeway, as […] […]

Last Review

The last review was really helpful. The reviewers had great comments and ideas on how I could improve the daylighting inside the house. One of them suggested that I should change the orientation of the roof to get daylighting from … Continue reading […]

Structure Review

First Review […]

Review 2

After last weeks review, I was given great advice in how I could capture the solar energy throughout the year. The reviewers gave me great information in how I could start using radiant flooring throughout my classrooms. They also liked the idea of capturing the rainwater and having a cistern on site. They like the […] […]

Environmental Review

The environmental review last Monday helped solidify many of my passive strategies I am integrating into my design. I’ve diagrammed solar, wind and water concepts along while formulating my wall section and roof form. I feel like I have analyzed various viewpoints of my building on many scales and that I’ve 90% synthesized my design. […]

Mid-term Review 2

I got some ideas on how to manage rain water and water in general, and I’m going to proceed in making the each atrium space unique and atmosphere. I see the Atriums doing multiple things, cleaning/ polishing grey water through plants, a formal a… […]

Environmental Review

Monday’s review of the “environmental” aspects of our project felt somewhat like a dress rehearsal for the final (final!) review in a few weeks. If I’ve learned anything here at U of O it’s that there are basic rule of thumb concepts that everyone should know about air, water and sun in regards to buildings […] […]