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Board Mock

mock up for review boards (8’x12′)

The strategy for the final review is to present my project in a competition board layout and organize them by scale.  In keeping with my modernist hero mies van der rohe , I will be exercising”Less is more”.  I dont want to over stimulate the reviewers by filling my board with a ton of stuff.  I honestly picture the review facilitating itself around the models.  The boards will be there to demonstrate the quality of space i have in mind.

Im debating putting together three small booklets that will have site photos/research that I can pass out so that the reviewers can thumb through them as I present.  The book will demonstrate the research but also not clutter my presentation boards.
The Urban focus set of boards will allow viewers to understand the extent of this project and see how important transportation is to urbanization.
The site focus board is the design proposal, highlighting the elements of the entire site as a plaza.
The Building board will get into the specifics relating the programatic portion of the site.

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