The environmental review last Monday helped solidify many of my passive strategies I am integrating into my design. I’ve diagrammed solar, wind and water concepts along while formulating my wall section and roof form. I feel like I have analyzed various viewpoints of my building on many scales and that I’ve 90% synthesized my design.
This feeling was reflected in many of the juror’s comments and feedback. Actually all three of my jurors were intimately familiar with Latin America having traveled or worked remotely in Panama and Colombia. Both offered new insight into my design proposal but commented that my process and means of arrival for the final design was clear. That felt great to hear. I feel on a firm foundation for my final review. I do have a few design issues to resolve but will quickly wrap up to move forward.
What is the intimidation I’m keeping at bay is the amount of production work ahead over the next three weeks. I’m currently hashing out the plan to condense and clarify ideas to cleanly and beautifully represent in my final presentation. I have a fair amount of design information and the space allotted is minimal and time is of the essence.
Here is a link to my DRAFT portfolio we were assigned to put together. Given the number of sketchiness and place holders, I was hesitant to publish it on Issuu, but here it is with my initial abstract bundled in. I plan to update these both while final drawings come to fruition.
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