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Environmental Review

Monday’s review of the “environmental” aspects of our project felt somewhat like a dress rehearsal for the final (final!) review in a few weeks. If I’ve learned anything here at U of O it’s that there are basic rule of thumb concepts that everyone should know about air, water and sun in regards to buildings but those concepts can be taken to extremely complicated engineered solutions. I’m not an engineer so striking a balance between understanding the basics of passive design and “getting” the design intent of the more advanced application and understanding how to ask questions about its appropriateness to the project is really where I wanted to focus for this review.

Primarily I’ve been looking at using natural ventilation and a double skin facade to take advantage of my buildings being aligned along prevailing winds. The panels posted below summarize what I chose to focus on for the review. If anything, at this point I think I’ve been getting better at tailoring the drawings I put up to what I want to talk about and I felt like it helped focus the conversation. My favorite comment went something like this

“You’ve got the amount of work an army would spend years doing to think about in 3 weeks so just ignore everything we just told you to change and focus on one thing.”

This may be the single most helpful comment I’ve ever received in a review because then they actually helped me figure out what I wanted to focus on, how to think about it and how to accomplish it in a short period of time. bam. done. Below are my boards.

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