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Week 14 Update:×2851.jpgCLICK to watch: Elizabeth Gilbert: On GeniusI share this with you(click on link above to watch) because it has been extremely helpful and liberating fo… […]


here are the video presentations of a competition about a sustainable development in Finland, which include different approaches towards the development in Helsinki,Finland – a high-density city. click the photo to go to the details of videos and… […]

What do 90s music, punnett squares & architecture have in common?

Remember these? Maybe it was because I was listening to music I haven’t heard since 1996 but this afternoon I wanted to try out an idea I’ve had for a while, use the idea of a punnett square (not seen since most people’s 7th grade bio class) to identify all the possible combinations of user groups […] […]

Week 13: Update Structure

Building Context : Backdrop/Promenade/PlazaNorth/South section Through Interior courtyard and plazaStructural Plan corresponding to Sectional ModelThis week I really got into my project via a Model.  I started it as a spatial model  looking a… […]

Week 12: Update/ 1st week back from spring break

1/8″ section model(scheme2)  thinking about structure and space relationships.This week was a busy one.  It got me to start thinking about structural systems, both how they exist in my present scheme and what systems I plan to utilize.This we… […]