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Page Layout: Thesis Summary Draft


The model is when the separation happens – the corner education and gallary space are adjacent to each other but are separated due to function requirement. And the gallery space is inserting into the performance and education space. But audiences could get a clearer view from the glazing roof top or a vague view outside […] […]

Space frames.

The review went quite well. The reviewers where very helpful in the fact that they were able to direct me towards space frame construction but also telling me to try to use it in a non conventional way, to be creative with it. Combining the rooftop with a park /mechanical equipment zone was also an […]

Project Summary

I put together this cut sheet as a quick and informative explanation of my thesis project thus far to accompany my portfolio. […]

pin-up thoughts

I need to add rows of columns to reduce the space of the laboratories. also the curtain wall need to be supported as well a the glass roof . the glass roof in particular should be expressed with care. […]

Blogpost Assignment : Review Summary

We need you to summarize your scheme and structural development and post these to your blog as a PDF document by Wed 4/20 at 1pm. The project summary must include a site plan and building plans for major levels. The structural definition must have a wall section and a carefully-lit photograph of your structural model. […]

oh right, and a few more things.

I almost forgot to post pictures of the model and a selection of drawings from the review! I actually felt like my model was informative and utilitarian. […]

Struct Review

After attending the Career Symposium and talking with some interesting architecture folk I decided to rework my thesis proposal in order to put it into terms of equity. I looked at the potential benefits of mycelium and categorized them into … Continue reading […]

Structural review and updated thesis statement

First, some general comments that came from jurors at the review today. Based on their feedback, I feel like I’m on the right track for the most part. Exposed metal angle trusses are the “new” structure and support themselves and glazing, a metal support structure for the existing brick wall will double to support the […] […]

An appropriate portfolio

Just found this. […]