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Landscape Pin Up: With Jason King

Current Site Plan 

I was finally able to start fleshing out the Boardwalk/ Swale Idea that is being used in my project as the continuity between the modes of transit and acts as this piece of infrastructure that future building can plug into.  

I have been unsure what the relationship of the boardwalk was to the bioswale, meaning is it two separate entities or are they the same thing?  After the discussion it seems like the best solution is if they are implemented together but are actually independent functioning.  What will be the true deciding factor is a simple rule of thumb calculation that roughly says that 10% of non-permeable surface should be permeable.   After I crunch some numbers the relationship of swale to Boardwalk will become much clearer.  
I was glad to hear that the idea of using the swale to charge a wetland proposal of mine is reasonable. 
I also found another comment from Mr. King fascinating that I might want to take into consideration that I dont necessary need to treat the water at the actual point of entry.  this water could be taken somewhere else and then the treatment architecturally expressed.

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