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Week 13: Update Structure

Building Context : Backdrop/Promenade/Plaza
North/South section Through Interior courtyard and plaza
Structural Plan corresponding to Sectional Model

This week I really got into my project via a Model.  I started it as a spatial model  looking at the relationship of the spaces that surround the central courtyard and looking at  the volume of the lobby adjacent to the plaza.  By adding detail to this model I was able to double it as a structural model.

My strategy in regards to structure for this building is to use the performance halls as for lateral strengthen making some of their walls from concrete and then infilling the rest of the building using a simple structural grid.

Most performance halls are very expressive and loud.  I would like  it if this project could do something like this.  however,  I feel like I am leaning more towards a building that is a backdrop for a urban plaza and is on the quite side.  In making the lobby a very public space and transit oriented and have been experiencing the most trouble with my circulation and program organization.

For the review on the 18th I am planning on making a bigger model of just the south facade.  I am certain on a large glass facade and want to understand the details that go into supporting and attaching it.

A more developed plan is in the works and will be helpful in describing my structural systems for this upcoming review.

section model 1/4″

plaza face large public seating

Lobby with community art display

large columns on to interior to reduce the civic feel

south facade

three floor lobby. Program blocks views of central court yard to make the lobby relate to the plaza 

soffit/roof detail

No comments yet to Week 13: Update Structure

  • nywc

    Nick, great to see your material online. I was interested to see you discuss how you see your concert halls as part of a background building. Consider the different scales at which your building is perceived. Where do you see what? At what speed? Where does it matter to have really great detail?

    While I greatly appreciate the high degree of care in your sectional model, I found the articulation a bit plain vanilla generic modernism. You could keep the overall effect very subdued, yet give tactile and visual richness to the close-up experience of the building. In shaping the character of the large halls, you might find you need to express the openings and entrances differently. Your building can have a personality and still be a respectful player in your urban scenario.

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