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INCEPR February Meeting

From Feb. 4, 2011…..I feel very lucky to have been involved with Cohort V of the Inter/National Coalition for Electronic Portfolio Research. The organizers have tuned cultivating a research community to a T. They set up the organizational framework to maximize getting a serious commitment from all participants. Each team had to submit a proposal […] […]

recording a tunnel

ThesisStatement Well here it is probably nothing everyone in studio hasn’t heard before but now its official. For mac users only How to Make a Voice Recording On Your Mac […]

.terminal.BioSynergies. 2011-03-13 17:03:31

I experimented with acetate and a black background as a reaction to the midterm review, aesthetically the change is a good one. It would be interesting to see if I could find a material that doesn’t reflect so much: they are difficult to photograph. I also loosened up the form a bit since the midterm […] […]

Final Review

For the final review, my goal was to develop the central space to my program and show the connections to agriculture and food production, as well as showing a clear building concept, circulation paths and program hierarchy. The challenge seemed to be tying everything back to the original thesis and showing how my final product […] […]


This is a soundbyte recorded from my mock pinup on march 2nd, 2011.  This is acting as a place holder until I am able to refine my statement and have the ability to record it once again.I really suggest that no one listens to this. […]

yah happy now?

yes I am happy. its too big so heres a link to my website […]

Wrap up Final Thoughts for the Winter Term….

How does the work address your original thesis inquiry?  how has your work this term helped you grow as a designer?The work I presented at Mid review addresses my original thesis in that it shows a strong intent to implement public transit in a me… […]

Final (Mid) Review Feedback and Next Steps

My final review for this quarter went fairly well. I got a lot of useful feedback, some of which I have not yet been able to fully process. My overall scheme, program, and approach were generally supported, meeting my primary goal for the review. The most negative feedback was that I hadn’t related the change […] […]

Thesis – End of Winter Term Review

Part one of two done. Overall I got some good critical feedback from both sets of reviews last Thursday. I feel my concept (or delivery of intentions) was a little more clear this time and better received. At least in regards to building choice and form. The case still needs to be stronger for Milwaukee, […] […]

final review01
