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As if Paul Stamet’s investigations into mushroom remediation techniques, pesticides, and medical properties was not enough I discovered this other ted talk about amazing technology in which mushroom plastics could replace harmful plastics. This is exactly the type of research I would like to take place in my building. These natural plastics are currently in […] […]
This was the lecture I went to that changed my project and gave it a clear direction. The presentations were given mostly by ecologists and scientists so it was not as visually interesting as the lectures I usually go to but it was great to hear their ideas and it made me think about how […] […]
So my final review for this term went really well. I got some great feedback, criticism, and ideas for the direction that my project should go. Over my midterm the reviewers told me that they appreciated my ideas and thought my building program was pretty well figured out but my site plan and urban scheme […] […]
I was able to attend Teddy Cruz lecture this past quarter and it was a great lecture overall. Its nice to see how he looks at the social issues aside from architecture. He talked about the US and Mexican boarder issues, which is a controversial issue. The message that I got from this lecture was how […] […]
At the beginning of this term I changed my program of my building from something to do with industrial ecologies that I was having a hard time wrapping my head around and receiving a lot of criticism for to a research center for mycelium that makes an attempt to clean a toxic site and invites […] […]
Material Study: For the material study I decided to look into different glazing systems. The use of glazing systems in school design plays an important role in the learning environment. n a study of 21,000 grade school students in 1999, researchers concluded that “students perform better and learn as much as 25% faster in classrooms” with 1 abundant natural […] […]
Here are some more process drawings I have been working on. As the theme of this studio is looking at how biology and natural process can inform design I decided to exit the relm of architecture and study some natural forms in order to think about them and see what I can bring from them […] […]
Here are some of the process drawings I was working on. These were important for me in order to get a grasp of how my (relatively complex) program could fit into my building. The orange indicates where the primary community presence will occur, the purple is where the research centers take place, and the pink […] […]
I hesitated so long to write my reflections about the final review and the studio in general because I am so ashamed of the work that I have done so far in this studio. I strongly believe that my project … Continue reading → […]
This is my “Elevator Talk” as of the final presentation of Winter term. This will change. http://soundcloud.com/caitlyncartlidge/winter11elevatortalkrequiremen# […]