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revisiting and reanalyzing the site after mid term it was apparent i needed to reassess and document my site analysis in the hopes of determining a more clear and concise concept for my building. These diagrams have helped me re-shape my urban plan and placement of my building on site.
the axis from the transit node to the OMSI waterfront creates the opportunity for a promenade/urban park. The center for urban ecology sits to the south of the promenade and holds the southern most edge of the OMSI campus.
The boardwalk will connect the new transit connection to the waterfront and the north face of the ecology center will allow framed views into the facility. The center for urban ecology is concerned with the interaction and impact of the built environment and the natural ecosystems, and the research and education that takes place in the facility promotes reflection on upon that interaction. The green circles on the diagram above represent atriums penetrating the building, bringing the landscape inside.
the plan organizes public exhibition, eco-studio educational labs, public meeting, auditorium, cafe, and bike locker on the first floor while the second floor houses an open office plan, including two small wet labs, for an ecological design office. The diagram above shows public interface with the building along the northern face of the building (path shown in yellow), which includes exhibition space for the classrooms.
The bubbles are meant to represent actual “pods” in an open floor plan that the user would meander through. The pods would contain the classrooms, restroom/service cores, and program that requires separation. The spaces created in between the pods would become commons space (computer lab, resource library, kitchenette) for students and users .
This plan is still in progress and needs to be refined. It needs a clarified circulation and hierarchy of spaces.
This is an elevation looking at the north facade of the building, the face that holds the edge along the pedestrian path. Because it is the north face of the building i wanted to try and keep the glazing area relatively low, and in fact this elevation probably has too much. Emphasis should be placed on the punched openings on the open joint rainscreen. These openings are placed in line with the atriums that puncture the building and are intended to act as lanterns shining light through the darker north facade. |
Arranging the atriums along the cric
ket allows the atrium to collect and drain stormwater. By arranging office and lab functions toward the center of the building it allows for an open office plan along the south facade, taking advantage of lighting and direct gain solar heating. |
That is one of the causes it took many years for ReStore to find a new house, northside9. They had difficulty finding a large-enough site that was affordable and in the city.