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UERC Conference Lecture

This was the lecture I went to that changed my project and gave it a clear direction. The presentations were given mostly by ecologists and scientists so it was not as visually interesting as the lectures I usually go to but it was great to hear their ideas and it made me think about how I can adapt them to my architectural projects. The theme of the lectures was Urban Ecologies and how biological ideas can potentially shape the way we conduct our habits. My favorite one was the one given by Paul Stamets talking about his research into mycelium technologies and how they can “save the earth” It was extremely convincing and I thought it to be a perfect direction for my project as a strategy to rejuvenate an urban site that has taken massive ecological damage. I’ve done a lot of research about this subject as a result (which I posted) and to get a better general understanding of some of these technologies I will let the man do it himself. Here’s Paul Stamets lecture on TED talks.

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