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Teddy Cruz Lecture

Teddy Cruz I was able to attend to the Teddy Cruz lecture. Teddy Cruz is an architect and Artist; he is so inspiring and a well thought person. His late work on San Isidro has been one of the inspirations for my project. I think his work is primarily to establish a framework on how the public forces (the people) can work together with private entities (government, city council, etc) to create a better community and better living situations. He basically analyzes the place, the people, culture, economics, patterns and political issues of the site and then he develop a set of strategies on which a project can be develop for a community to become self sustained. Some of the things that he said that were interesting to me were when he said: something’s is better to provide temporal and small interventions instead of not doing anything for the people. Someone asked him, how he got to where he is right now? He said, “should you map your future; it might not be accurate all the time but at least you know where you going with.” I thought that was pretty clever.

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