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Exit Interview Thoughts

KEN YEANG (chongqing tower)

I know it has been a difficult term for myself as well as my professors.  This term I had a really hard time nailing an architectural scheme that both addressed my program and my urban vision.  I think the root of this problem is that my thesis is interested in realizing Regional centers based on a pedestrian/ transportation approach.  Having a set program and site has been working against me this past term as I have tried to justify poor design moves.

After my exit interview I can honestly say that the direction for my thesis couldn’t be clearer.  I am going to use spring break to develop what a new suburban town center might look like taking into consideration the existing fabric.  Current downtowns lack a connection to nature anymore.  Gateway is an opportunity to plan for future density but also plan for nature.  I can not believe how blind I have been to this.

With my new urban plan ready to go by the first day of SPring term I will use the rest of the term getting into a specific building, flushing out the details based on the certain ecological approaches my urban plan has set up.

Time to go check out some books…..

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