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.terminal.BioSynergies. 2011-03-13 17:03:31

I experimented with acetate and a black background as a reaction to the midterm review, aesthetically the change is a good one. It would be interesting to see if I could find a material that doesn’t reflect so much: they are difficult to photograph. I also loosened up the form a bit since the midterm review. I’m moving in a good direction I think, but feedback from the final and seeing peers projects makes me think that something needs to change… I believe that the design has some good seeds in it and maybe the solution is to tweak/focus the program.

This is what I presented as my thesis abstract:

Metaspace: Eco activism through art and interaction.

In an ecologically focused world, the word Meta inherently acknowledges the dynamism of the ecosystem in it’s entirety. Meta also refers to change or transformation, modern art subculture, and among or with from latin and greek: activism through art and interaction.


This project will center around a dynamic and adaptable program in order to accommodate a myriad of environmental issues as well as speak to the dynamic nature of activism and the interdependency of two major components of activism, human energy and industry. The program exhibits creativity and all types of the interactive arts to catalyze ecological activism. Ideas behind Metadesign helped form the spaces, the program and their relationship to each other. The program and form are interactive, as interaction is key to successful activism. Metaphorically, the industrial structure acts like a scaffold for the natural energy to grow upon, much the way ivy grows on the ruins of an abandoned building. The program and neighborhood will be interdependent as well: the industrial neighborhood will rely on the organic nature of the program to enliven it and the environmental program will rely on the pragmatism of the area to aid in effective change. The site is located directly adjacent to the burnside skate park; the increasingly vibrant community of young, creatively minded subcultures that live, work and play in the area could have a large presence at the site and are the inspiration for the program.”

I think the problem with my project as it stands is that the original thesis inquiry could be interpreted as a little off from what the design manifestation. I ended up with a form that still seems like an alternative art museum (which is not horrifying) and not a d.i.y. type center (which in itself is at odds with a space like an established art museum). Conundrum!

What to do now? I had some feedback prodding me to essentially strip the design from the design in order to jive with the activism/subculture/d.i.y. character of my thesis idea. This was frustrating because it was one of the ideas I had originally that I’d left behind. (Is hindsight 20/20?) These are some of the other notes I took at the review based on feedback from jurors: -pick up on found space / residual space  -think about the “ends” of the building (those faces perpendicular to Burnside street traffic)  -think about how one inhabits space /  detail model  -the ECO piece of ecoactivism is lost, find some way to incorporate it more into the building / program  -more subversive  -”activist incubator”.

No comments yet to .terminal.BioSynergies. 2011-03-13 17:03:31

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