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Adding Audio & Video to your blog

For security reasons, this installation of WordPress doesn’t let you upload embed a media player into posts.

Use freeware Audacity for Windows or Mac or Apple’s Garage Band to record a sound file. You can upload your file to and create an HTML link to it, like this Demo sound file.

AUDIO narrated SlideShow
You can upload a series of images as a PDF to Slideshare.netand then
upload an .MP3 audio file that you sync to create a narrated slideshow.

You can then embed your slideshow into your WordPress sidebar, using the embed code in HTML. Here is a narrated slideshow I created using Powerpoint and GarageBand:  Univ. of Oregon Architecture Curriculum.

Easier: use mac’s iMovie to create a video from slides, then upload it to YouTube. Create a New Post and in editing mode hit the “HTML” tab and then preface the listing with “httpv://” instead of the usual “http://” and it comes in naturally. I’m looking for a similar way to do audio. Here is a fun one:


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