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My midterm review provided important feedback on my project, and on the background information that is missing from my presentation. The review itself was pretty rough, and I hope not to go through a similar experience come finals week. The biggest criticism of my project was that I had not clearly made a case for why […] […]
This is a quick reflection, Don’t want to waste too much time. notes from review: -go back to the urban site and see how that informs the buildings form -too many geometries, worse of all many are not well justified -let the form leave some things to t… […]
I got really good feed back from the second review; however, after the review I realized that each week I was working on something that sort of belongs to my project but not entirely on the big picture and on … Continue reading → […]
Well another review passed, and instead of feeling on track I’m left with more questions. I went into the review thinking I had a pretty solid thesis statement and intent, and used this time to get feedback on building parti, design and user experience. Exactly what I thought the review was intended to be for. […] […]
Comments and thoughts about my Thesis Project:Preparing for Mid-review has been exhausting, but I am glad it is over and my review went ok. The reviewers recognize the large urban focus of my project and wanted to see me begin to speculate at wha… […]
The midterm review brought a very good set of questions to resolve and directions to take. The reviewers established quickly that the site is quite interesting and full of potential but that it is quite an undesirable and unpleasant area in Portland to go through; the cars make it noisy and aggressive and the web […]
This thesis project aims to discover the possibilities of a riverfront lot at the corner of SE Water Avenue and SE Clay Street in Portland’s east side industrial district directly north of the OMSI Campus. The site’s dominating characteristic are monolithic columns punctuating the ground plane and soaring roadways framing the sky. The program I […] […]
This week I spent time looking at a building form that begins to deal/express with this idea of connection and place.The results were astounding: Clay Ribbons expressive of movement and flowfolded plane, representative of folding urbanity and hab… […]
The feedback from the jury was reasonable and expected, especially after reviewing the drawings after hearing their thoughts. One major issue that came up was the manner that I expressed the character of the site came off as being less subversive and inspired by the subculture and the skatepark and more modern, “established” and art […] […]