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The first thing of master plan is to decide what is important to the site. The diagram below shows what are the important alley ways before on the original site where the old housings form the street edges. As the pink lines are the most visible alleys before, they are significant circulation paths in the […] […]
During the third week, I am moving forward with my master plan. It was a painful process. My master plan proposal is to connect the two ends of landscape spots. The micro study is about the use of transparency for exterior & interior wall. I have seen buildings using concrete frame to form the structures […] […]
I’ve been struggling before the second review. The biggest problem I had was how I got to where I was at the first review. There seems to be the disconnection between what I was trying to do and everything I had so far. I didn’t know how to solve the problem, and so it was […] […]
While I did not accelerate into high gear of the redesign phase this past weekend, I did spend more time reflecting, asking the what/why/how, writing and synthesizing. For me to personally move forward in a visual, spatial sense, I had some questions at large to answer. Looking back to my midterm abstract, I really criticized myself […]
This model begins to approach the concept of my building as a series of insertions into the landscape that create a path from light rail to the waterfront. In speaking with Jim Pettinari and Scott Barton-Smith at the mid-term review this past wedn… […]
Well I still need to scan my images so I can post them and I will do so shortly. The midterm went well, it pushed me to figure out the general spaces of my building and plug the program into the structure. I think I did this fairly successfully although I would of liked to […] […]
This image is not exactly what I pinned up on Weds, but its the same general underlay. I feel pretty good about the review, I have plenty of work to do, but I got a lot of good feedback to go on. I found that the biggest issue in the review was my representation of […] […]
The Midterm review was very insightful I got good feedback from the reviewers. Prior to the review I had funky floor plans that were not responding to my main concept. I went back to my original parti model, which helped me get back on track. I am still working on how my design interacts with […] […]
Another review has come and gone. I was pleased that I was able to make a real first pass at larger scaled sections and plans but won’t say I’m pleased where I am at. Overall, seems that it’s a hard sell on how I’ve structured my courtyards. I plan to try a different approach and […]
In the time since leaving my previous scheme, I have been working on a design that responds better to the function and program of the project (a school), while still staying true to my thesis question (challenging the relationship between indoors and out). The “three-fingered” plan is based on the idea that a school of 400 […] […]