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prologue V site development

This week I looked into the site plan and tried to finalize it. I consider the green space on site is important. Within all the significant paths footprint, I choose the most visible line crossing from southwest to northeast and widen it, which create a green strip vertically to the main pedestrian axis from northwest to the southeast waterfront.

site green space

project area green space

As it could be seen from the diagram above. The green spaces form hierarchy in terms of directing pedestrian. The green space will extend from the lake to the waterfront, and it has a suggestion of connections between the site towards the further waterfront park in the northeast along the river.

The green space actually take up the space of some existing buildings that don’t belong to their surrounding historic buildings. And it will be used as the direction sign for pedestrian who are the main circulation within the project area (from north of the site to waterfront). Then the whole design area will be activated into a showcase and it won’t confuse people.

The sketch shows the green strip in the middle of the site that cuts through the building mass and forms a civic space.

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