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prologue III & Macro+Micro Study

During the third week, I am moving forward with my master plan. It was a painful process. My master plan proposal is to connect the two ends of landscape spots.

The micro study is about the use of transparency for exterior & interior wall. I have seen buildings using concrete frame to form the structures as following.

It is very interesting to see how the frames and the glazing get together without other decorations but still form the simple aesthetics of structure.

It inspires me to do the following exploration of building facade materials study of transparency by using different materials to make one side of facade into several layers. It could help to define building edges but still leave visibility.

And generally the reflection of light and shadow could be controlled.

The micro application could be seen as following.

And the general building form could be defined by the diffusion of the frame of the whole project. It should connect all directions to weave a network to cross the whole site.

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