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Post Midterm

Well I still need to scan my images so I can post them and I will do so shortly. The midterm went well, it pushed me to figure out the general spaces of my building and plug the program into the structure. I think I did this fairly successfully although I would of liked to of completed a couple more perspectives to show the character of the space. The biggest thing I need to catch up on right now is the site plan. I only had a very sketchy site plan completed and I do have a pretty clear idea of how I’m going to accomplish my site design goals but I need to put it on paper in a clear way. Also on my to do list is to put my floor plans and sections into a digital format and articulate the spaces with more detail. I think my structure is relatively simple as there is a rigorous structural grid formed by the silos. In terms of elevation I do not have everything figured out but I’m thinking that the different program elements which I expressed using color will have different facade treatments that will express their function to the outside observer. I’m also thinking about using circular opening because that is the primary geometry expressed in the building. There’s a lot of work to be done but I feel as if I’m not stretched for ideas and I have a relatively clear idea of what I need to work on for the final.

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