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Macro Studies

Macro. Urban Studies & Site Design. My macro moves of my project proposed ideas on how to engage the waterfront edge within Casco Viejo. I plan to engage Casco’s edge vernacular: the seawalls, beaches, & rock within my design proposal. Casco reveals a beautiful built language between this dense, old walled colonial city with a […]

First Review reflections

In this scheme I began looking at how the site can respond to the larger city context and connect to the planned OHSU campus across the river and identify this district as a place of learning. My response was to open up to the OHSU campus with an openi… […]

Macro/Micro Progress and Next Steps

My macro study was the development of a new urban plan for the Freight House Redevelopment District and a study of how to improve the downtown river walk, connecting it to my site and through to the baseball stadium. Previously, I had imagined my Center For Local Foods as providing a new extention of the […]

Review 1

Micro Study: For the micro study I decided to take a look at a pattern system that could later be used throughout my project. The concept of weaving could be used as a wall system; this could work as a brick or steel material. I also made a small model that experiments with color. I […] […]

Another Update

The review on friday gave me a lot to think about. I think my next plan of attack is to create some program diagrams and really figure out what exactly this building wants to be and how I am going to modify the existing architecture to really speak about the project. I’ve had a lot […] […]

19th Century Surveys, and Other Cool Maps

When talking about nature in the urban environment, we often start to wonder what was there before the city. There are several resources for finding this information. 1 One is to look at the General Land Office (GLO) maps. These are a set of survey maps documenting original settlements and land ownership in Oregon, dating […] […]

Week 3: Update

This week I spent most of my time working out my grasshopper script for my material study and preparing materials for our review.  So I didn’t have a whole lot of time to refine my urban plan or site plan. I feel like my material study was rather … […]

Material Study: Cast-in-Place Concrete

Are there more exiting things we can do with concrete that use conventional method in a new way? What if all you had to do was model the shape you wanted to be made from concrete?A script could be applied to generate all the form-work necessary fo… […]

Post-First Review

Micro Study: I’ve settled on the idea for a micro study having something to do with mutable division of spaces, inside and out. A frame with customizable panels and multiple spatial organization options, a series of “pods” that can be moved to change the size and location of spaces (inspired by Shigeru Ban’s Naked House), […] […]

A Macro Study

Here is a sampling of the design I have so far. The concept for the entire site is to use it as an exhibition for the natural process of ecological succession. The most disturbed part of the site will be planted with early successionary species, while the more “natural” part of the site will be restored […] […]