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Review 1 conclusions

After the review on Friday, I realize that I have a lot of work to do, but I do feel that the review really helped in determining a concise direction.  Most of the discussion surrounded the MACRO interventions, and raised some questions about the program and what elements should take precedence within the program.  I think before, I had been trying to incorporate too many aspects of food production into a site that simply isn’t big enough to support it all.  After speaking to the reviewers, I realized that I need to go back to my original concept of teaching people about their food by example and evaluate what part of the process I need to showcase to make it viable, instead of trying to show start to finish production of produce.  I also stepped back to look at the scale of this project as it relates to the city, and whether it serves Portland, the Buckman Neighborhood, or is a site contained production.  I am stepping back and looking at acreage yield patterns of the produce I hope to grow and making conclusions about what will most realistically work on my site.  While the comments from the review were critical, I feel as though I have a much stronger direction to move now.Review 1

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