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Review 1

Micro Study: For the micro study I decided to take a look at a pattern system that could later be used throughout my project. The concept of weaving could be used as a wall system; this could work as a brick or steel material. I also made a small model that experiments with color. I hope to use color throughout my project, which can help me create unique spaces.



Macro Study: The site for my proposed school is located in NE Portland and is approximately 3.4 acres (400’x500’). My design sets on the western part of the site and it is design to take advantage of the sun. An existing school sets on the site that is currently being used. The school has historical significance to the neighborhood, thus I plan on using the original building. The metaphor concept of the butterfly for my project is a good start, but I need to figure out how I am going to go forward. The current program is a K-8 school, but I have significant space within the existing building. I am thinking of adding a community center to my program. I have to start to define what a community center is?


The sketches represent the metaphoric concept of the morphing/butterfly.

Fridays review was very insightful. I proposed adding a community center to my program, but might need to rethink this part. I have to look at what a community center does and how the community can benefit from this type of program. Looking at the ecology of the butterfly can start help me with my project. How can I learn from the butterfly?

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