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A Macro Study

Here is a sampling of the design I have so far.

site landscape concept1

The concept for the entire site is to use it as an exhibition for the natural process of ecological succession. The most disturbed part of the site will be planted with early successionary species, while the more “natural” part of the site will be restored to a more functioning climax habitat. I will be meeting with an ecological scientist from Metro in two weeks to discuss my project, at which point I hope to further this part of the design.

site plan1

My site plan begins to express ideas about where learning happens. There is a main school building, but trails and satellite learning pavilions have the potential to take learning out into the site (and beyond). The main building was sited to take advantage of different modes of transportation (from public buses to bicycles), while nestling the main building unobtrusively in the midst of the activity of the site.

roof plan & section

bldg plan

The programmatic layout of the building is extremely early and hardly final. The building form itself, with rising and falling levels and green roofs, at times blends into the site and at others peaks out to meet it.

At our review on Friday, feedback was overwhelmingly positive. My reviews agreed that the design strongly reflects my thesis objectives while still creating an interesting, beautiful form. Their advice to me was to next dive into the program, pushing and pulling the building to provide good indoor experiences as well as developing outdoor rooms. I look forward to it.

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