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New Year Reflection

(This never got posted. Woops.)

Where first?  Casco has greatly preserved its cultural history, mainly due to its designation as a UNESCO site.  Design ideas should respond and acknowledge history but be a personal expression of today.  Currently, I am assessing the urban grid in Casco Viejo to inform the design and generate ideas.  Casco is a neighborhood full of interesting paths, alleys, courtyards- all different and built over the span of 250 years.  It’s a very rich experience both at day and at night.  Public plazas and the derive (URBAN DRIFTING) through the neighborhood are important ways to attract foot traffic.  Unfortunately, the auto is quite important in Panama, whether taxi or personal.  These connections will lend a hand to support stronger design ideas and create community contextualism for my project.

…So how does this building relate to urban patterns present in Casco Viejo?


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