After stepping away from my thesis project for a few weeks, it has been really nice to dive back in, especially now that I can work through ideas with drawings rather than words. That being said, it has raised some questions about my initial thesis, program and site restrictions. I think being so research oriented and keeping out of the design process allowed me to gather valuable information, but it has all transformed since I put the pen to the trace. I think small changes are in order, but none that will set me back thus far. I am working now on delving more deeply into my program elements and trying to really think about how people will be using these spaces rather than just putting a label and a square footage on a blocks and organizing them on my site.
The weekly sketches have been very helpful for me to explore the character of the interior and exterior spaces of my building at an early stage. My sketches aren’t where I would like them to be yet, but I can already see a slight improvement from week 1 in my sketches for this week. Right now, I am moving into the sketch modeling, which is helping a lot with my program placement and spatial study of the building layout. I think it will take some time for me to adjust all the research from last term and translate it into design, but so far, I am really happy to be starting the design process!
Since it was a challenge to add more information on the massing model, it could be that you need to approach the design from the inside instead of the outside. Thinking about the interior finishes, the exterior material qualities, the spatial experiences or the program organization could give you a different viewpoint.
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