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B{io) S(ynergies] Post

Ummm…. so I’m not really sure what to say at this point. I’m excited about tapping into the potential of my site and building and figuring out what to do with it. I have some ideas floating around and I’ve started some concept drawings. I think I’m going to make a more clear program diagram than the one in my thesis document that will allude to the program sequence rather than just stating what it is. I think this could potentially evolve into an experiential sequence that could show how a person would experience the building and how a material would experience it and then investigate the moments when their paths cross. I’m also interested to tap into the texture of the site and it’s inherent patterns. I started o do this in the thesis document but I think I’m going to take it a step further and investigate it in more detail to see what I come up with. I’m a little frustrated right now because I feel like I’m being pulled in 6 different directions. It’s not very clear right now what we should be doing. I want to work on diagrams and character sketches which is what I’m going to do until I get yelled at. I think a lot of us are confused because whenever I ask someone around studio what we’re supposed to be doing I pretty much hear I’m not sure but I’m going to work on this. so far it’s: Work on Urban Design, doing a site model, blog, work on interior perspectives, work on concept design sketches, work on exterior sketches, look up resources, build a concept model. I think because we’re all working at different scales we should be tackling the problem in different ways. I prefer to work on one thing at a time not six, that way I can have some form of focus in my life rather than spreading myself very thin and substitution quality for quantity and confusion. I like jumping scales but I think at this point I should focus on either the urban or the building scale or my head may explode. so I’ve resolved to finish up a concept sketch then make a concept section sketch, then do some diagraming rather than building concept models.

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