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Blogging and Instruction: A Panel Discussion

Nancy, Ron Bramhall, Mark Blaine and Andrew Bonamici

Nancy, Ron Bramhall, Mark Blaine and Andrew Bonamici

In case you are wondering why I’m encouraging students to blog, please see this recorded video. My part starting at 36 minutes into this 1 hour presentation + ~ 1 hour of Q&A, I focus on transitioning from presentation portfolios to reflective journals. I explain how I see opening up the university doors with the Web, and lessons learned about design collaboration.

“As higher education continues to move forward on incorporating blogging into the classroom, what are the implications for instruction at the University of Oregon? Join a panel of faculty and instructors who are currently using the UO’s WordPress blogging technology to supplement instructional practices. Areas of instruction such as student journaling, creative writing, eportfolios, and course management will be discussed.”
Screen shot 2010-12-30 at 5.31.30 PM
Mark Blaine, School of Journalism and Communication;
Ron Bramhall, Lundquist College of Business;
Nancy Cheng, Architecture;
Lori Hager, Arts Administration;
Andrew Bonamici, University Libraries

Windows users may need to use IE to get it working. Firefox should work for Mac users. Or download the session from the main Tanberg Content Server page find “Date: 10 Nov 2010 – 2:02 pm”. (Look for Mark’s yellow shirt on the left, then use the “download” pulldown on the right to select your format of choice.)

See some of the slides in high-res in a related “Eportfolio Learning for 21st Century Readiness” presentation for the Electronic Portfolio Action and Communication group.

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