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Thesis Document

Merry Christmas, everyone!

Below is a link to my thesis document:

WSFM Thesis Document

and images of some of the pages.  I promise to leave comments on others blogs over break.

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  • max


    Your document looks great though when i click on the links to read the images come up with inverted colors. Perhaps its just an issue with my computer? Anyhow, i like the graphic layout and from what i have gathered from your presentation and blog your thesis seems to be pretty well organized. I will check back over the break and hopefully will be able to read your document and leave you a more valuable comment. be well

  • audreys

    Thanks for your comment. I don’t know about the inverted colors…. If you click on the link, a pdf of the document should download. If that doesn’t work, let me know will you?

    Merry Christmas!

  • I’ve a sense that going to get jumped on from a great peak & told that your chosen RGI is going to be far better advise you to get this done.

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