This storyboard shows the direction my project will take when I begin designing, and highlights the major concepts I want to address throughout the design process.
click to view storyboard
Throughout this process, my thesis document will be kept close at hand to push the design to stimulate learning and provide for the needs of students and the community.
click to view thesis document
These documents are not set in stone; they are guides for the design process. Rather than a set of directions, they are a map with many paths to choose.
kristie your poster is really nice but the text on the “ribbon” that moves through is almost unreadable – perhaps you designed it that way but even on my computer screen its really difficult to read.
Kristie, I really like where this thesis project is going, probably because I see so many similarities to mine. I too am interested in these connections and foundations architecture can begin to make. I also like that your project is trying to get at a specific relationship between architecture and nature (indoors and outdoors). I think you should take what the reviewers said with a grain of salt, that being that the relationship between indoors and outdoors is a cliché in terms of a school. Although it is safe to say that most architects who design schools probably take this into consideration, I still feel like this is worth delving into because I really havent seen any built projects(schools) that do this well.
For the time being, I think your thesis statement is very vague, as are most of ours mine included, and should just be bold and say that the educational structure that exists in todays schools are weak due to a poor connection between the indoors and outdoors. You project can begin to examine ways that this strengthened connection is better for fostering young minds, and could develop an entirely new building typology for schools as we know it. It may also be necessary to create new hybrid subjects, who knows.
I can picture science classrooms for example, that could have a wall that is entirely glass panels and in nice weather they open up to a pond/ or some kind of landscape. The class could then easily flow outdoors where they turn over rocks/ take water samples/ monitor wildlife/ and get a better understanding for what an ecosystem is firsthand. And if the panels remain shut they still function to let in daylight and make for a beautiful backdrop. Art classes could also take advantage of this same strategy.
I really Like where you are headed and cant wait to share more ideas with you in the winter term.