Nov 23-Dec 9
Filter through current research and materials and synthesize and refine them to illustrate a clear path in my thesis document, detailing more accurately my proposed program and thesis statement, as well as a clear language for my building guided by a concept of biosynergy.
- Build upon the research and directions compiled in my thesis document and revise and synthesize accordingly.
- PROGRAM:Researching deeper into program necessities and obtain exact square footage for program elements. I will be conducting interviews with small scale farmers that will be able to refine my square footage of the garden program pieces which are the currently the most vague.
- SITE: Refine site analysis into 3D model and concise/ informative diagrams pertaining to my program. Create detailed site plan and site model at a scale that shows relevant context.
- PRECEDENTS: Move deeper into precedent studies. Sift through the array of examples that pertain to my program, and refine the lessons and examples that I want to consider in my thesis.
By the beginning of winter term, I hope to have a first pass at a concrete program, thesis, site analysis, and precedents to begin translation of my thesis to a concept diagram of a building.
- Revise thesis, and program, and continue site analysis.
- Begin translation of thesis to diagram form, exploring the thesis within the site constraints as well as programmatic relationships. Begin development of parti.
- By the beginning of Feb, I hope to have my first compilation of concept diagrams and models relating the thesis, and the program to the site.
- continue diagram refinement and move into initial schematic, and massing design of a building
By the end of winter term, I hope to have completed site analysis, program and thesis ideas and successfully translated them into a cohesive building concept. I also hope to have graphic representations of the building concepts translated into an initial schematic and massing design of a building.
- Refine schematic, and massing of building.
- Begin detailing of buildings construction, cladding, lighting, mechanical systems (this will be considered in the early diagram, and schematic phases, but I will begin to represent and define it in more detail after the refinement of the schematic design)
By the end of April, I hope to be predominantly done with with design process so that I can begin the transition to beginning final drawings while still making some revisions.
- Final drawing production, rendering, and model making, with minor design and detail refinement.
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