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Timeline & “What I hope to accomplish”

Immediate timeline from assignment 8

Tues, Nov. 23: Post 1 page of “What I hope to accomplish?” with Timeline

Tues. Nov. 30: Post 5 page Draft of Thesis Document (This is unlikely to happen because my final studio review is the next day but I’m sure by the end of that week AFTER studio is done with I’m fully capable of completing a five-page draft)

Mon. Dec. 6: Post Draft of Thesis Document

Thurs. Dec. 9, 9am: Post Final PDF to blog, Pin-up of Storyboard, Thesis Document as hardcopy


“What I hope to accomplish….”

I think the above schedule illustrates what I hope to accomplish by the end of the term in the general sense but in a more specific sense I would like to do some more research on specific precedents and educational models for science education.  I have met with a representative from OMSI and I would like to investigate more non-traditional school based models for science education.  I also would like to explore different models of outreach that museums make to communities in urban areas.  Some that come to mind are the The Museum of Science & Industry in Chicago the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History’s Naturalist Center the California Academy of Sciences.  The crux of my question has evolved into this: How can large-scale facilities like OMSI create opportunities for small groups of students and educators to take on more in-depth investigations into topics they may not have at their home school.  One program that definitely inspires me to continue learning about science is RadioLab – if you’ve never heard of it check it out here & here .  Its a great example of expanding the concept of continuing education – Ted Talks fits into the same catagory but RadioLab focuses exclusively on scientific topics.  Its a much more interactive and inspiring way of looking at things than a traditional classroom setting.

Idealized Long Term Framework:

Winter Break: Continue Research – Start digital site model & prep files for lasercutting site model (possibly collaborate with Nan, Max & Kent?)

Winter Term (beginning): Continue to develop site analysis, program and define building concept – work with contacts at OMSI to refine program and needs of a larger version of SERC

Winter Term (middle):refine building concept & design – keep checking against site, program & concept – crit with outside sources

Winter Term (end): Feedback on first term of work & make plan for spring

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