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Drawing Parallels: EIC and Design

If you were to visually compare a traditional grade-school curriculum and an EIC (Environment as Integrating Context for learning) program, it would look something like this:

EIC diagrams

[click to enlarge]

There is an interesting parallel between the traditional curriculum– divided into distinct and separate disciplines– and standard design practices. Now, if we were to look at design with an eye similar to EIC practices, we might get this:

EIC diagrams

[click to enlarge]

Integrated Design is a design process that has been gaining popularity, aided by desires for higher performance buildings and the use of BIM technology to make design more efficient. My interests in Integrated Design lie not only in bringing together architecture and engineering disciplines, but also involving landscape architecture, urban design, and community needs. I believe that an integrated approach can more easily lead to a built form that integrates place, building, and landscape.

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